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Iron Shirt Chi Kung

l-Mating and Soul Orgasms 167 Universal Love 171 Transforming Sexual Energy into Spiritual Energy 172 Compassion and the Virtues of Our Spiritual Life 172 Cultivating Compassion 173 CONTENTS VI Revealing Ourselves 175 C H A P T E R E I G H T Making Love for a Lifetime 177 The Waxing and Waning of Desire 178 Harmonizing Different Desires 179 Being Sexual Without Doing It 180 Lifelong Lovemaking 作者: Mantak Chia 出版社: Aurora Press 出版年: 1984-6 16人想读 / 1人读过 7.1 加入购书单 已在 购书单 A comprehensive reference guide to the foundational Taoist practices taught by Master Mantak Chia • Organized by level and chi kung system for quick reference during practice or teaching • Includes 220 exercises from more than 20 of Master Chia’s practice systems, including the Inner Smile, the Six Healing Sounds, the Microcosmic Orbit If you read Mantak Chia's first book, Awakening Healing Energy Through the Tao: The Taoist Secret of Circulating Internal Power, then you don't need to buy this one, The Inner Smile. The Inner Smile is only about 90 pages long and is basically just extracted from the larger book, Awakening Healing Energy. 对于这本书的介绍,我没有增加一个字的个人观点——道家性功夫秘籍——《夫妻双修功》 夫妻做爱一次可以长达一小时以上,且男方又不射精——这听起来仿佛是天方夜谭,但只要你学习并掌握了这种神秘的道家秘传瑜珈术——《双修功》以后,不可能就变成了可能。 Chia, Mantak - The Multi Orgasmic Man (47 Pages)_一年级数学_数学_小学教育_教育专区 1544人阅读|45次下载. Chia, Mantak - The Multi Orgasmic Man (47 Pages)_一年级数学_数学_小学教育_教育专区。2123Chia, Mantak - The Multi Orgasmic Man (47 Pages)

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- 1 - - 2 - Awaken Healing Energy through the Tao Taoist Secret of Circulating Internal Energy Mantak Chia Edited by: Sam Langberg - 3 - Copy Editor: Sam Langberg Editorial Assistance: Micheal Winn, Robin Winn, Contributing Writers: Dr. Lawrence Young, Dr. C.Y. Hsu, Gunther Weil, Ph.D Illustrations: Susan MacKay Final Revised Editing: Jean Mantak Chia,Universal Tao World Headquarters 274/1 Moo 7, Luang Nua, Doi Saket Chiang Mai, 50220, Thailand Tel: 66 53 495 596 Fax: 66 53 495 852 Email: Website: for information on courses, orders of videos, books, cassettes, posters. l-Mating and Soul Orgasms 167 Universal Love 171 Transforming Sexual Energy into Spiritual Energy 172 Compassion and the Virtues of Our Spiritual Life 172 Cultivating Compassion 173 CONTENTS VI Revealing Ourselves 175 C H A P T E R E I G H T Making Love for a Lifetime 177 The Waxing and Waning of Desire 178 Harmonizing Different Desires 179 Being Sexual Without Doing It 180 Lifelong Lovemaking 作者: Mantak Chia 出版社: Aurora Press 出版年: 1984-6 16人想读 / 1人读过 7.1 加入购书单 已在 购书单

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Fusion of the Five Elements: Meditations for Transforming Negative Emotions (English Edition), 版本: Illustrated, Destiny Books, Fusion of the Five Elements: Meditations for Transforming Negative Emotions (English Edition) 作者: 杨林(编) 副标题: 气功房事养生 isbn: 7204021312 书名: 夫妻双修功 页数: 255 译者: 杨林 定价: 6.80元 原作名: Taoist Secrets of Love by【泰国】 Mantak Chia 出版社: 内蒙古人民出版社 出版年: 1993-2-1 装帧: Paperback Mantak Chia,a taoist master known for his teaching Taoist practices under the names of Healing Tao,Tao Yoga,Universal Healing Tao System and Chi Kung,in his book,Iron Shirt Kung I,spoke about the potentiality of Bone breathing,"Bone Breathing or bone compression is the method of"Cleansing the Marrow",or cleaning out fat in the bone marrow so 《世界第一的五線譜製作軟件》(sibelius v6 hybrid)[光盤鏡像]外语英文电子书.pdf,2010/9/11 《世界第一的五线谱制作软件》(sib…

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本文档为【Mantak Chia - The Multi-orgasmic Man】,请使用软件OFFICE或WPS软件打开。作品中的文字与图均可以修改和编辑, 图片更改请在作品中右键图片并更换,文字修改请直接点击文字进行修改,也可以新增和删除文档中的内容。 - 1 - - 2 - Awaken Healing Energy through the Tao Taoist Secret of Circulating Internal Energy Mantak Chia Edited by: Sam Langberg - 3 - Copy Editor: Sam Langberg Editorial Assistance: Micheal Winn, Robin Winn, Contributing Writers: Dr. Lawrence Young, Dr. C.Y. Hsu, Gunther Weil, Ph.D Illustrations: Susan MacKay Final Revised Editing: Jean Z-Library 是世界上最大的在线图书馆之一,它拥有超过6,640,000的书籍和80,760,000的文章。我们的目标是让每个人都能获得文学作品 今天(March, 15th),我们又发起了一个募捐活动,以支持和发展这个项目. Mantak Chia,Universal Tao World Headquarters 274/1 Moo 7, Luang Nua, Doi Saket Chiang Mai, 50220, Thailand Tel: 66 53 495 596 Fax: 66 53 495 852 Email: Website: for information on courses, orders of videos, books, cassettes, posters.

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